Privacy Policy

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. has a Privacy Policy in place that outlines their policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information from users of their website. If you choose to provide any personal information, you are agreeing to the terms of the Privacy Policy. It’s important to review the Privacy Policy before providing any personal information to ensure you understand how your information will be used and protected. If you have any questions or concerns about VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy, you should contact them directly for further information.

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. commitment to protecting your personal information suggests that they take privacy seriously and have put measures in place to safeguard your information. However, it’s always a good idea to be cautious and only share personal information when it is necessary and with companies or individuals you trust.
It’s also important to note that the use of VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. services is subject to an agreement between you and VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd., and use of the website is subject to their terms and conditions. Be sure to review these documents to understand your rights and obligations when using VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. services.

Information We Collect

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd., they collect certain personally identifiable information from you. This information may include your first and last name, email address, home address, contact information, and any other information that is necessary to provide a service or product that you have requested or to carry out a transaction.
It’s important to note that personally identifiable information can be used to identify an
individual, and therefore it is important to protect this information. VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. has a responsibility to protect the personal information that they collect, and they should take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information. If you have concerns about the collection or use of your personally identifiable information, you should review VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy and contact them directly for further information.

Non-Personal Info

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. may disclose aggregate statistics about their website users to prospective partners, advertisers, and other reputable third parties. It’s important to note that these statistics will not include personally-identifying information that could be used to identify you as an individual.
This approach to collecting and using non-personal information is a common practice on many websites, and it can help companies like VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. understand how their website is being used and how they can improve their services. If you have any concerns about the collection or use of non-personal information, you should review VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy or contact them directly for further information


VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. will inform you about the purpose of collecting your personal information at the time of collection. This is an important step in ensuring transparency and informed consent. VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. will not transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except under certain limited conditions. It’s important to review these conditions to ensure that they align with your expectations and preferences for how your personal information is shared. VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. has a policy in place for the collection and use of personal information, which can help build trust with customers and protect their privacy.

Info Sharing and Disclosure

Except as specified or if VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. has the users’ consent to share the information, VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. does not transfer or share your information. In order to provide the services you choose, to better understand its customers’ needs, to offer better services, to help troubleshoot issues, to settle disputes, and for any other purposes deemed necessary to provide services, VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. only uses the information it collects.

Your data is processed either with your consent, when it is required for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or when it is necessary to act at your request prior to entering into a contract.

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. may divulge a user’s personal information when required to do so by law, in response to a court order or subpoena, in order to cooperate with an investigation by law enforcement or regulatory authorities, in order to participate in or cooperate with a judicial proceeding, in urgent situations, to protect personal safety, the public, or our websites; to safeguard the property and rights of VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. or a third party, the safety of the general public, or the safety

Security of Data

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. uses practical and up-to-date security measures to guard against unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and guarantee proper information use. VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. cannot ensure or guarantee the security of any information a user transmits to VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. and the user does so at his or her own risk because no data transmission over the internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be secure.

Data Retention

VARDAAN Car Rental Services Pvt. Ltd. maintains data in accordance with our guidelines for data retention. Depending on the regulations, we may keep this information for up to eight years. Please contact the Grievance Officer if you object to this retention
